Though I’m aware that this can put a few people off of them, I personally think their size is part of what makes them attractive. If you get one, you need to be prepared to house it in a larger enclose than either of these species requires. This means it often ends up being larger and more heavily-built than most beginner snakes like Corn Snakes or the Western Hognose, for example. Very occasionally, it even reaches a whopping 6 feet (1.8m) in length, which is pretty impressive for a colubrid. The Honduran Milk Snake ( Lampropeltis abnorma “var” hondurensis) is a medium-sized colubrid, generally reaching lengths of 4 to 5 feet (1.2 to 1.5m). Notice how chunky these guys are? They even start out bigger most other Colubrids. If you need more detail on keeping them, head over to our Honduran Milk Snake husbandry guide. We’ll get into our top five in a moment, but first let’s do a little rundown of a few things you need to know if you’re interested in breeding these snakes. Any of these mutations can be selectively bred to each other to achieve exciting new combination morphs.

Some of the most popular and widely available include albino, anerythristic, and Tangerine. Honduran Milk Snake morphs are a mix of both recessive genes and naturally occurring – but spectacular – colour variations. Let’s check out the top 5 available to date… Honduran Milk Snake morphs are still low in number, but each one is spectacular. Other resources related to Honduran Milk Snake morphs:.Do Ball Pythons Need Vitamin Supplements?.
#Tangerine albino milksnake for sale how to
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